Which Parent Pays for Your Children’s Orthodontist Fees?


One off, including extraordinarily large fees paid by one parent in respect of children can be a major source of friction. How can such fees should be divided between the parties?

Child support

Child support laws generally don’t cover these one-off type of costs.

When to negotiate?

The parties should talk about these one off type of charges when they are negotiating everything else. There is no set formula as to how this is to be organised.

The way these amounts are to be proportioned can be part of the settlement agreement with other relationship property, child custody and financial matters.


(a) Agree that the parties will pay on a 50/50 basis for major expenses.

(b) Agree that expenses over a certain monetary figure will be paid by the financially advantaged party.

(c) To review the need for any major expenditure every year.


Parents should do what is right for the children in any particular case. It is reasonable that the paying parent is normally given two estimates before committing, for example, to one course of treatment.

The parties should try to negotiate such expenses themselves without incurring further costs of lawyers.


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