Household chattels and relationship property - 7 practical tips

Under New Zealand law, where there has been a marriage or relationship of three years’ or more, household chattels are normally divided on a 50/50 basis.

  1. The insured value is normally overstating the real worth of items. Make a list of items.
  2. The total value can be quite significant. When one person buys a new household he or she will normally buy new items. A formal valuation of chattels is not normally required.
  3. Male clients especially tend to disregard the value of chattels. Some walk away from them without any compensation.
  4. Make a note of items special to you, for example for financial or sentimental reasons.
  5. If clients can’t agree on chattels, then you know this could be a lengthy divorce battle and you will need lawyers early on.
  6. Clients should be encouraged to sort out chattel items themselves without a lawyer being involved.
  7. In my experience, the party getting the benefit of the chattels normally gets the better deal than the one who obtains a monetary adjustment.


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