“Divorce-Proofing” your business

If you are already represented by a lawyer but are concerned that they are not providing a satisfactory service or are giving you inadequate or poor advice, you are entitled to seek a second opinion or alternative representation. While changing your lawyer is something that you should not do lightly, if you have lost faith in their representation then you should look to instruct someone different.


We are always happy to meet with people who are seeking an expert opinion on their situation. In doing so you are not committing to changing your lawyer, but of course if we think your case is suitable you are able to instruct us in place of your previous lawyers if you so wish. We would normally meet you for a one-hour consultation for a fixed fee of $500 plus GST as a first step.


If you choose to instruct us we will contact your previous lawyer on your behalf in order to obtain your file. This will mean that you do not have to have a difficult conversation with them should you not wish to. A very large number of our clients have come from other lawyers with which they were dissatisfied. The transfer process is generally a smooth one and takes place relatively quickly.


If you feel that you have suffered loss or disadvantage by virtue of the poor practice of your previous lawyers we can advise on the possible options you might have to remedy that loss. Download our e-book How to Successfully Switch Lawyers

If you have questions about changing your lawyer, please contact our office by email or phone (09) 309 4647. We’d be happy to answer them for you.

"The information posted on this website is prepared for a general audience, without investigation into the facts of any particular case. This information is no substitute for legal advice and does not create a lawyer-client relationship; you are advised to consult with a lawyer on any legal issue."

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