Can my ex stop me from taking kids trick or treating?

Q: I want to take my children trick or treating this year, but my ex-wife is kicking up a fuss because of Covid-19. I have taken the kids every Halloween for as long as I can remember. We separated at the beginning of the year, so this will be our first Halloween apart. My ex-wife is paranoid about the kids catching Covid while they are with me, so she doesn't want me to take them trick or treating. I also want to introduce the kids to my new partner and think Halloween could be a good opportunity for them to get to know each other. My ex is threatening to get lawyers involved so that she has full-time care of the kids. Can she do that? Is it a bad idea to take the kids trick or treating?

Covid-19 has forced us to rethink how we work, socialise and travel. This year, Halloween will also look a little different. The Ministry of Health has confirmed it is safe to take children trick or treating. However, not all parents will agree on the level of risk they are willing to take. For parents who have separated, tension can arise if one parent wants to take the children out on Halloween, but the other is not comfortable potentially exposing their children to the virus.

Disputes between separated parents can be common over celebrated holidays. In this NZ Herald article, I suggest how to resolve this issues.

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